Below Annex V5 is a copy of page 4 of Casper Henderik Venter's "False Formula" affidavit and in Paragraph 8.1 Venter lies about how methamphetamine is manufactured.

It is not possible to simply make methamphetamine by combining 1-phenyl-2-propanone with chilled methylamine.

To tell lies under oath is called perjury which is a criminal offence.

The how to manufacture the drug lie of Venter was repeated by one state advocate after the other; almost word for word, and the lie ran from one court room to the next, ending up eventually in the Constitutional Court.

Media 24 followed up on the lies and published lie after lie about Prophet in dozens of newspaper articles, through out the country and with full front page exposure, and millions of people read the false stories over and over.

So on a balance of probabilities and a reasonable suspicion Prophet was condemned.

It's time to set the record straight.

The lies stop here.

In terms of Venter being a liar, as an accused person, Venter does have the right to presumption of innocence but what about Prophet?

Is it not fair that Prophet has the right to dignity so should it not follow that Prophet has the absolute right to bring Venter before a magistrate to establish the truth once and for all and not to use a balance of probabilities to arrive at an opinion; but to establish the facts beyond a reasonable doubt.

The burning question here is did Venter tell the truth or did he tell a lie?