Below Annex VACM is a copy of of an extract from Adrian Carl Mopp's affidavit to the Cape Town High Court which reveals how Mopp and the National Director of Public Prosecutions have engineered the lies of Venter in combination with Smit's wrongful claims to arrive at false conclusions about 54 Balfour Street. These false conclusions found their way into the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court and were accepted as being true when in truth they are entirely false.

There is no relationship between the value of an imaginary drug and the value of a residential property. These two things are worlds apart.

The drug police have admitted that no drugs were found at 54 Balfour Street during the unlawful search. No illegal drugs have ever been shown to exist at 54 Balfour Street and there has never been any complaint or even an allegation from any member of the general public of any illegal drug activity at 54 Balfour Street.

Hallucinations, fantasies, speculative assumptions and wild dreams should not be tolerated in a court room that is tasked to consider facts when arriving at conclusions.

Furthermore these false, completely wrong claims of Mopp found their way onto a platform outside of the criminal allegations and the criminal trial against Prophet during the proceedings of that criminal trial which is, again, yet more evidence of more violations of the presumption of Prophet's innocence.

Section 35(3)(h) of the Constitution is non derogable.

Prophet has the right to a "fair" trial but what we are witnessing above are flagrant violations of law that openly stand in the path of a "fair" trial.

Not only are the actions and the submissions of Mopp contrary to what is allowed in law but they have, according to Prophet, been derived from the lies presented under oath by Venter.

When Prophet has complained to the police that his non derogable civil rights have been violated then the police always have told him that violating civil rights is a civil matter and that he must contact a lawyer.

So what is going to happen now that Prophet is complaining to the police, not that his civil rights have been violated, but that he has been the victim of criminal attacks from Venter in that Venter, under oath, has lied about Prophet?

Are the police going to arrest Venter and charge him for the alleged crimes?

Is Venter going to be brought before a Magistrate so that Prophet can give testimony and explain to the Magistrate how Venter has lied under oath and how Venter's lies have been used by the National Director Of Public Prosecutions to ruin Prophet's life.

It is all within Prophet's civil right as a South African citizen, to give his testimony under oath before a Magistrate and if it turns out that Prophet commits perjury then there will be an accounting for that but Prophet is confident that it will be a very easy task to prove to the Magistrate that Venter has, beyond a reasonable doubt, lied under oath.