The state arrested Simon Prophet once on the
31st January 2001 but the state put him into three different trials
and tried him 3 times.
A criminal trial in the Cape Town Magistrate's Court case number 16/79/01. A civil trial in the High Court of Cape Town (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) case number 5926/01. A criminal trial in the Cape Town Magistrate's Court case number 16/236/03. What follows below are the transcripts from the third trial, case number 16/236/03, which was the second criminal trial. The civil trial, case number 5926/01, eventually found its way to the Constitutional Court where the transcripts of the second criminal trial were submitted to show to the court that Simon Prophet had been acquitted of the criminal allegations but the Constitutional Court would not allow for the transcripts to be entered as evidence in defense of Simon Prophet's innocence. The Constitutional Court rejected these transcripts of the second criminal trial and Simon Prophet was not allowed to submit these documents into his appeal against the forfeiture of his home because according to the Constitutional Court he should have submitted the documents into the previous appeal at the Supreme Court of Appeal. What rubbish coming from Constitutional Court judges. This was nothing but a dirty ploy for the civil courts to escape Simon Prophet's innocent owner status. Look at the dates. The second criminal trial case number 16/236/03 ended 8th of April 2005 In the civil trial case number 5926/01, Erasmus colluded with the state to steal Simon Prophet's home in 2003 during the first criminal trial and before the second criminal trial had had a chance to begin so at that time these transcripts of the second criminal trial did not exist. In violation of non derogable South African Constitutional laws and International laws, Judge Erasmus presumed Simon Prophet's criminal guilt on the 22nd May 2003 during the proceedings of Prophet's second criminal trial and after Simon Prophet's acquittal by default in the first criminal trial when the first criminal trial was set aside on 7th April 2003. Erasmus trampled Simon Prophet's dignity into the dirt and Simon Prophet's home was stolen from him and in violation of Constitutional law, the Constitutional Court also participated in these same violations by allowing the wrong judgment to continue to happen. Simon Prophet has been mutilated and maligned by a South African justice system gone horribly askew that was made possible through unlawful sections of the Prevention of Organized Crime Act 121 of 1998. For so many judges to have allowed this to happen is tantamount to acts of legal treason. The transcripts below are those of the second criminal trial case number 16/236/03 and are presented here to put straight all the lies published by Media 24 and to put straight the lies coming from state advocates and civil court judges. Simon Prophet has done nothing wrong. The numbered pages below are from page number 1 to page number 181 and are presented here as jpg images. These images will take time to load so please wait a moment and sometimes not all the images load correctly then please just refresh the page and wait a few more moments. |
So here you have it.
The transcripts of the third trial reveal Simon Prophet's innocence and to boot Simon Prophet has no criminal record. The African National Congress government may loathe the idea of Simon Prophet being a criminal suspect but that does not entitle the courts of South Africa to appease the state and, on grounds of suspicion, to punish Simon Prophet or anyone by depriving people dignity, homes, businesses, cars, personal possessions and throwing people into the street with nothing but the clothes on their backs which is cruelty against man that borders on barbarism. |